Tuesday, January 20, 2009

15w3d - We have a nudger!

I now know what it is like to be poked from the inside. Baby bean has been in there giving me little nudges every now and then and it is the most amazing feeling! It is so surprising at first because it comes out of nowhere. But then once it sinks in that it was the baby it is the most wonderful feeling! I can't wait until these little flutters and nudges become even more frequent and strong.

I haven't been in to work since last Wednesday because of a snow day, inservice day, and Martin Luther King, Jr. day. When I got there and the kids saw me they all said, "Mrs. F! Your tummy got bigger!!" You be the judge:

Other than that I don't have too much to update. Baby is the size of a navel orange this week and is now covered in hair. The picture in my book makes it look like a little monkey. I can't figure out if that is cute or creepy. Either way, I'm so excited to have him/her safely growing in there!


Rsgrl said...

You look great! Yay for feeling the babe move!

Leannabanna said...

You surley have grown and you look fantastic!

ShorT1882 said...

Aw Bee, you look fabulous! Yay for feeling the baby moving!

Lindsay said...

You're looking great! I love that top on you, very cute!

ler4ik said...

The kids are definitely right. Baby Bee has grown. You look great!

lady gray said...

cuuuuuuuuuuute bee belly!!! congratulations on the very first nudges! :)

TennisWife815 said...

You look fantastic -- cute shirt! Baby moving is awesome. Just you wait until the kicks. It only gets better!